by Erica and Susan | May 6, 2020 | Uncategorized
What are your three powerful questions that you use with your clients? Join Erica and I as we talk about working with clients from a full biopsychosocial approach. Does this mean all you do is pain education? How do clinicians best use the total approach to help...
by Erica and Susan | Apr 22, 2020 | Uncategorized
Who hasn’t heard this? This patient was seen in the clinic once just prior to the COVID-19 crisis and then progressed virtually from there. When someone says, ” I hurt everywhere” and their symptoms appear randomly, how do you find a meaningful...
by Erica and Susan | Apr 7, 2020 | Uncategorized
What do we really know about the achilles tendon and the various forms of tendonosis? What do you do when the eccentric exercise programs outlined in the literature do not bring about a significant change of symptoms? Join us to explore some of the facets of...
by Erica and Susan | Mar 25, 2020 | Uncategorized
Success-your patient’s original symptoms are gone and you are moving along with their program. They are progressing to higher loads, higher impact as well as incorporating tri-planar movement into their exercise. Then another region of the body starts to hurt....
by Erica and Susan | Mar 11, 2020 | Uncategorized
Have you ever had a patient where the story and the problems they were having were easy to solve, but your thoughts were – “It can’t be this simple?” Follow along with us as we discuss the differentials and treatment of a gentleman with...
by Erica and Susan | Feb 27, 2020 | Uncategorized
This patient has had low back pain since she was a child. She has coped well until the birth of her own children. The innate response to threat here is the inabillity to arch her back. Her system cannot lengthen and she cannot do a back bend or sit and perform an...
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