#41: Not Your Ordinary Hip Problem

#41: Not Your Ordinary Hip Problem

What do you do when your patient tells you that she hurts everywhere? In this episode, Susan and I discuss a patient with an EXTENSIVE injury history who happens to be a runner. Do these compensations over the years end up being what is the root cause of the problem?...
#40: Is spinal stenosis a mystery?

#40: Is spinal stenosis a mystery?

Tough To Treat Masterclass: In this episode we have guest PT, Daria Oller, who presents us with one of her tough spinal patients. Is spinal stenosis a mystery? Not really…. We clinically reason through the evaluation but move very quickly into diagnosis and...
#37: Hip and back injury at Sea!

#37: Hip and back injury at Sea!

What happens when someone gets injured while living on their sailboat at sea? This episode explores the clinical reasoning and intervention process from a virtual platform to help this lady through an unexpected injury to her hip and back and navigating the functions...
#36: Shoulder Pain- A motor control problem?

#36: Shoulder Pain- A motor control problem?

When does motor control come into play when someone has persistent shoulder pain?  Is it soft tissue related, a joint problem or a neuromuscular repatterning issue? Or something else?   How does our nervous system adjust?  In this episode we talk about the multiple...