by Erica and Susan | Jun 19, 2018 | Uncategorized
What do red flags really mean to the Physical Therapist? Signs and symptoms need to be considered in the same light as the medical history of the client. Join us in our conversation about why the red flags became a bit more glaring with this case.
by Erica and Susan | Jun 5, 2018 | Uncategorized
Not your typical pelvic issue! This podcast shows the beauty of looking up and down the chain for a clue as to where this runner’s pelvic pain came from. Looking at movements SPECIFIC to running and NOT the pelvis, were keys to her recovery.
by Erica and Susan | May 23, 2018 | Uncategorized
Lumbopelvic and knee pain sounds simple and straight forward in an individual at age for joint changes. Is it always about joint changes? Go through the clinical reasoning process with us to discover the hidden driver in this complex case.
by Erica and Susan | May 9, 2018 | Uncategorized
Did you ever think wrist pain that gets aggravated when performing a down dog yoga posture would emanate from the shoulder? Sustaining such a beautiful move requires almost synchronous timing and a good clinical reasoning process to discover where the true source of...
by Erica and Susan | Apr 24, 2018 | Uncategorized
Is heel pain really heel pain? What if the pain was an expression of symptoms from a different mechanism? Join Susan and Erica in this clinical reasoning conversation.
by Erica and Susan | Apr 12, 2018 | Uncategorized
What is the cause of bilateral calf pain in this young fencer? Start to finish, it shows the power of a thorough evaluation, a specific exercise progression and a return to the sport she loves.
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