Save yourself time by learning how to find the driver quicker. This is the case of a neck driven shoulder- but not in the way you think! Do all shoulder patients need...
Podcast Episodes/Video
Do you want to learn how to treat complex patients?
#103: Complex Ankle Sprains-What’s Missing?
Ankle sprain rehab can seem so straight forward - decrease swelling, improve ROM and strength - right? Wait, why are a good number not improving and returning to...
#102: Treatment Progressions for the Tough To Treat-Clinical Pearls
Description Clinical pearl alert! This episode tells the story of 3 patients and their treatment progressions. Typical symptoms but atypical drivers. What types of...
#101 – SI Joint Pain – An Updated Approach
Here is the clinical story of a client that is presenting with pain/sensitivity in the area of the (R) posterior pelvis. In this episode we discuss what has been...
#100: What To Do When Your Patient Plateaus
What do you do when a patient plateaus? Doesn't improve? Join us for our first Q and A broadcast on how to clnically reason through a patient's treatment program when...
#99: Clinical Pearls for the Shoulder-Understanding the Connections in the Upper Quarter
Join us for a special episode on the shoulder. This is a re-release of one of our most popular episodes to date. As a bonus, we present 3 case studies of patients with...
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