In this episode, we discuss the case of a very active woman grappling with SI (sacroiliac) joint pain. These symptoms manifest while walking and with hip external...
Podcast Episodes/Video
Do you want to learn how to treat complex patients?
Physical Therapy Examination and Intervention of GI Dysfunction
In this short episode, Susan presents a good algorithm for the examination and interventions in clients with GI dysfunction. Follow along as she discusses...
Overactive Bladder and Hip Dysfunction
This episode presents a client with a seemingly straightforward diagnosis in pelvic health of overactive bladder (OAB). The history and physical presentation tell a...
Exploring Open Chain vs Closed Chain Exercise in Upper Extremity Dysfunction
In the episode, Erica explores the strategic use of open and closed-chain exercises for upper extremity dysfunction. She discusses the distinct benefits and...
The Push Up: 2 Individuals, 2 Different Drivers and 2 Distinct Treatments
In our latest episode, we explore the fascinating stories of two individuals navigating the challenges of mastering the push-up despite their unique injury history....
Outcome Measures and Pain in GI Dysfunction
This episode is a short compilation of an algorithm in looking at basic outcome measures and pain in GI Dysfunction. Susan explores the basics of the history which can...
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