The Gut-Brain Axis – Stress, Pain, and Balance

The Gut-Brain Axis – Stress, Pain, and Balance

Join Susan as she shares a segment from a course she teaches on GI Dysfunction.  This clip is dedicated to the Gut-Brain Axis and why the complex interactions can have such a direct effect on the behavior of the movement, endocrine, nervous and visceral...
Exercise Progression For Neck Pain And Headaches

Exercise Progression For Neck Pain And Headaches

This episode highlights exercise progression for a patient with neck pain and concurrent headaches. This elusive driver can often be lost when it comes to exercise progression. Hint: the neck is one of the foundations for the movement system. And just because the neck...
Smart Exercise Progression

Smart Exercise Progression

In this episode, two cases are presented where their drivers were distal to their symptomatic areas. Categories of movement, neutral to non-neutral, as well as unloaded to loaded are discussed with specific exercise progression.  What constitutes an effective and...