by Erica and Susan | Jan 5, 2023 | Assessment
In this 2 part episode, Susan and Erica discuss what it takes to become a clinical expert, and how that translates into effectively assessing and treating the “tough to treat”. They highlight common errors in clinical reasoning and how to avoid them. They...
by Erica and Susan | Dec 22, 2022 | Breath
Let’s talk about breathing patterns. Somewhere along the line, chest movement with diaphragm movement became unpopular. Was this because people equated the term “chest breathing” with “accessory muscle breathing”. Join Susan in this short...
by Erica and Susan | Dec 15, 2022 | FOOT PAIN, Hip Pain
Your patient has a dysfunctional thorax and it’s driving their symptoms, wherever they are. How can you clinically reason treating a non-painful thorax for distal symptoms, such as the foot and hip? The body translates the head, thorax, and the pelvis over the...
by Erica and Susan | Dec 8, 2022 | Assessment
What are the clues and the keys to increasing somatosensory awareness in your patients? Putting someone on a dynadisc or a foam pad does not cut it anymore when your patient lacks sufficient motor control to move well. Make the clinical decision-does my patient need...
by Erica and Susan | Dec 1, 2022 | CALF PAIN
What is the cause of bilateral calf pain in this young fencer? Start to finish, it shows the power of a thorough evaluation, a specific exercise progression and a return to the sport she loves. When it comes to exercise progression in persistent pain, think about...
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